Est. 1978
Founder & Principal
Kyoshi - Lawrence Sloan
Punong Guro

In Memory of
GM Remy A. Presas
(December 19, 1936 – August 28, 2001)
The founder of Modern Arnis
Biography of Lawrence Sloan:
Lawrence Sloan has been a martial artist for over 47 years after earning his 1st Degree in Okinawan Goju Ryu karate in 1973 from Sensei Paul Tsamura. In 1976, Professor Sloan met Grand Master Remy A. Presas in Fresno, California at the school owned by Jerry Greathouse, and studied Modern Arnis. It was one of the first courses that Professor Presas introduced in the US. In 1981, Lawrencce Sloan was ranked to Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) by the American Arnis Assn. He was recognized as the System Head/Punong Lakan (5th degree) of DTACT Defensive Tactics System by the USKA under Robert Trias in 1985. In 2021 he was awarded the title of "Kyoshi" by the UKKS, by Soke Angelito (Bobby) Barongan, three time Hall of Fame Inductee.
He attended many classes at Greathouse’s martial arts school in Fresno, Ca., that Professor Presas put on. Two instructors accompanying the Professor were Sensei Tim Berg and Sensei Bruce Juchnik. In 1986 Professor Sloan brought Grand Master Presas to Iowa to put on a seminar.
Together with Sensei's Dan Rideaux (Chinese Sanda) and Jim Power (Shotokan) they began working with law enforcement and putting on optimization seminars for officers. In the mid-seventies, criminals had begun learning and using martial arts to defeat traditional law enforcement techniques. The optimized seminars helped teach officers the weak points in using their techniques against trained martial artists.
The seminars also helped them adapt the techniques to make them more difficult to defeat. This led to the development of the DTACT System (Defensive Tactics and Control Techniques) in 1978, using open hand, impact, and bladed weapons. The courses combined Filipino martial arts, PPC (Pressure Point Control/Pain Compliance), with baton and side handle baton for defensive and control techniques.
Professor Sloan has trained local, state, and federal agents, security agencies, and tribal law enforcement and security in Defensive Tactics And Control Techniques and ROE (Rules of Engagement), as well as provided personal protection for business executives, politicians, celebrities, and the arguably rich and famous. Professor Sloan has also provided expert witness services for security concerns for Native American tribes and casinos.
As a security specialist since 1983, Professor Sloan has worked with security agencies and provided security services to corporations such as; Armstrong Tire and Rubber, Swift Packing, UPS, Pella Windows, Barilla USA, and contracted with Federal agencies to protect critical structures for the Union Pacific Railroad, National Animal Disease Labs, TSA recruiting and training, and airline food service companies, etc.